Alpha Epsilon Pi at Virginia Tech is a social fraternity based upon Jewish principles. The brothers of AEPi embody both the values of our fraternity: Faith, Humility, Perseverance, Mutual Helpfulness, and Honesty, and the values Virginia tech, along with Ut Prosim (That I May Serve).
We are active within many student organizations, and are a key part of the Jewish Community of Blacksburg. Beyond that, our brothers maintain a high standard of academic success and professional development.
Our fraternity is not a religious organization, rather a social one that places emphasis on shared identities, values, and culture.
"No one could tell me where my soul might be; I searched for G-d, but he eluded me; I sought my brother out and found all three."
- Ernest Howard Crosby
The mission of Alpha Epsilon Pi is to provide education, resources and training to the future leaders of the world’s Jewish communities. Alpha Epsilon Pi was founded to provide opportunities for Jewish men seeking the best possible college and fraternity experience.
Since our founding in 1913, more than 102,000 men have worn the badge of Alpha Epsilon Pi and each year, thousands of undergraduates perform the Ritual of Initiation, which remains the same ritual adopted decades ago.
Our basic purpose is to provide the opportunity for a Jewish man to be able to join an organization whose purpose is not specifically religious, but rather social and cultural in nature. Alpha Epsilon Pi is a Jewish fraternity and brotherhood that is open to all who are willing to espouse its values and mission.
Alpha Epsilon Pi at Virginia Tech works to be an organization that helps its members become better men, provide tzedekah (charity), support the Jewish community, and serve as an eternal brotherhood that provides support for all its members.
In the past year our brothers have been active in Hillel, the Jewish Student Union, Chabad, Hokies for Israel, the Undergraduate Student Senate, Club Sports, Design Teams, Scientific Research Groups, and more!
The Sigma Alpha Chapter strives to maintain excellence and be a model organization for the Virginia Tech Community.
The Sigma Alpha Chapter was originally chartered at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1969. Sigma Alpha was chosen as the Chapter designation as a homage to the Sigma Alpha Mu (Sammy) Fraternity which the founders originally intended to form a chapter of. This iteration of the Sigma Alpha chapter lasted at Virginia Tech until the early 80s when they were subsequently dissolved.
During the 1999-2000 academic year, 11 eager Jewish students started the recolonization of the Sigma Alpha chapter, which has thrived until present day. After being inducted they recruited the first 5 pledges of Sigma Alpha. These 16 founding fathers laid the groundwork for what would become a tight-knit brotherhood committed to Jewish values, philanthropic work, and the betterment of the campus community.
Our Founding Fathers